JMP gradation (solid)

List selected maya mel. # Note that there are two objects named circle1; cmds.

List selected maya mel. cmds as cmds import maya.

List selected maya mel If none of the five flags [-add, -af, -r, -d, -tgl] are specified, the default is Hi is there a way to print the list of selected objects in Maya using python or MEL? I'm looking for a way to automate this instead of copy-pasting them manually cause it'll save I'm trying to apply some manipulations to a list of objects selected. What I have now : selectionLights = cmds. hyperShade(resetGraph=True, dependGraphArea=True) for node in nodes: if Technically, selection lists can store attributes so you can select attributes as you would select anything else in MEL: select -r nodeName. channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, sma=1) print selObjs # returns [u'pCube1'] print selAttrs # returns [u'ty'] What you're doing - deleting the attribute and re-adding -- is unfortunately the only way to do this. To select all objects, you need the following: // select `ls -l`; // When trying to find a list of all objects of a specific // type, one approach might be to list all objects and then // use the I am making a GUI with MEL and I want to list all objects in the Maya scene (both selected and unselected) when the GUI open. Lets just say lambert for now but I eventually need it to apply VrayMtls but I think I can figure that part out. The docs mention that it will only transfer weights from selected vertexes, so in this example I simply select all vertexes. If you want to find the extrude node dynamically, you can use listConnections on your selected object with type as "polyExtrudeFace" to get list of connected extrude nodes. cmds as cmds selObjs = cmds. It basically gets all of the selected assets, centers them all to (x0,y0,z0) and does a batch export, saving each mesh as its own FBX, the file is named after the mesh name in the outliner. getAttr('Cube. txt file you will find the Mel command for Windows and Linux versions of Maya. Copy the MEL examples // create some objects and add them to a set sphere -n sphere1; sphere -n sphere2; sets -n set1 sphere1 sphere2; // select all dag objects and all dependency nodes select -all; // clear the active list select -clear; // select sphere2 only if it is visible select -visible sphere2; // select a couple of objects regardless of visibilty select -r sphere1; select -add sphere2 There's not a one-liner way to do it. It causes any intermediate shapes among the descendents to be ignored. point is to get some . So what you're doing now is passing mySel, a whole list of strings, when it only accepts one. Sets are used throughout Maya in a multitude of ways. # Note that there are two objects named circle1; cmds. import maya. But each drawer is opened a little bit more than the previous one. Thanks. Saving list data in python. SAF SAF. // " warning. do something that returns polySurface1. `ls -sl -fl`); //don't forget to use -fl (flat list) flag Share. It works great. xform(vertlist, I need to get a list of keyframes selected in Graph Editor. Selecting faces supports a couple of forms: May 18, 2013 · unfortunately i have already gon through with all related MEL procedures in scripts/other dir along with referenceEditorPanel. When I use this I tend to press CTRL+Z after I have ran the command so that each object resets to it's original location for working on within Maya. Steps using MEL Step 1) Open the mel editor. translateX') And this seems to get the X position of the object names cube in the scene, However I would like it to get the translate of any object I selected. ) user_defined_attrs = sel. This was my attempt in Python import pymel. At frame 1 (currentTime 1) the objects is at point A and at frame 20 import maya. On Learning MEL - Some people argue learning MEL is a good skill because it teaches you how Maya works internally. listAttr -s -r -w -c -st centerX -st centerY; // This will list all scalar, readable, writable, and connectable // attributes whose names are "centerX" or "centerY". select('nurbsCircle1. 0 second, frame 15 (in NTSC format), Apr 20, 2018 · I'm looking for a way in Mel or Python to determine if a particular UV shell crosses across multiple texture tiles in Maya. f[3961] ; IE, select, the object, the face you click. the position of the object in other hand can be anywere in scene so what i mean by "up" is you start from selected face and up is top of it. cmds. f [4:6] instead of 3 items pCube1. The Maya C++ API is an entirely different beast to MEL/python. Sure, there are some MEL specific syntax points you might learn, but again, qualifier being “incredibly useful”. cmds as cmds. I managed to find out that there is a command (omitted from the list of commands in the docs!) that is called " FBXExportShowUI". See the MEL documentation for channelBox for more details. macaronikazoo 2003-11-17 22:17:10 UTC #3 or more easily still, convert the selection to edges, and then back to verticies A blog about VFX, scripting, van renovation, and some other gubbins. This works until it gets to the end of the list, but after that the scripts dies and I'd like it to go back to the beginning of array and print the names. Maya python (or MEL) select objects. can you please let me know how can I modify that to work for manipulators or any other show items ? Welcome to SO! Right now when you use cmds. Viewed 726 times 0 . Is there any way to achieve this goal? The python code I used to export. vtx[1], if you have just the mesh selected: PolySelectConvert 3; fed to it in compressed format is faster than looping through the verts Welcome to the Autodesk Maya Subreddit. It uses the API to get bounding boxes for all the uv shells in an object (note -- it should be a mesh shape object , I didn't add any checks). Mar 30, 2018 · Pretty much exactly as the title states, I've got a simple python script in Maya that isn't functioning. I. Hi Francesco, Thank you so much for the script. I am basically looking for a way to automate a couple of simple scripts. In query mode, this flag needs a value. select¶ select(*args, **kwargs)¶. select(clear=True) I'm using cmds here but you can also switch it to pymel if you like. So far I have: import maya. p. Instead, their first parent valid for selection will be selected. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Maya SDK topics. Right now I am just writing my own labels to To select all objects, you need the following: // select `ls -l`; // When trying to find a list of all objects of a specific // type, one approach might be to list all objects and then // use the select is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable. If more than one node is selected attributes // may be listed several times. cmds as mc selection = mc. setAttr('pSphere1. com 4 days ago · Hi guys, I'm trying to take my selection of 5 objects and print the name of first object, then when I run the code a second time print the name of the next object and so on. cmds. It works perfectly on a single selected object using this code: import maya. I am currently coding in MEL. I had a similar need where I want to toggle the display of the manipulators on or off with the same hotkey just like the one you did for selection highlighting. Debugging the scene is quicker when you can immediately spot which collision boundings have been modified by the color change. polyListComponentConversion(obj, tv=True) # this get all of their world-space positions as a flat list: raw_positions = cmds. I just want to change the path of all the textures connected to the objects selected to be able to have multi resolution maps in differents folders, but maybe there is already a tool to de this ??? MEL/Python Hi! I'm a complete zero in scripting, so I plead for your help, oh ye wise Internet! Use JointList = cmds. mel as mel def createCylinder(): # Check if cylinder "trunkCylinder" exists. But that said, I highly recommend using Basically, I'm trying to create a Python script that allows the user to simply "0" out multiple selected attributes on Maya's Channel box. group() cmds. core as pm # get selected joint selectedJoint = pm. I want to select an object. Sure, there are some MEL specific syntax points you might learn, but again, qualifier being What you're doing - deleting the attribute and re-adding -- is unfortunately the only way to do this. ls(selection=True) for all in selected: cmds. listAttr(ud=True) # get channel box - leave Sep 6, 2015 · They are unicode strings ( u'xxx') but that's OK - Maya accepts those interchangeably with regular strings: you can safely ignore the Unicode-ness of the strings and you don't need to go out of your way to make your own strings into Unicode. to elaborate more:if i rotate the object and then the "up" face what i be getting is facing down its ok. cmds-Python commands into MEL, if you really insist of using MEL, just have a look at there documentation. core. hi everybody I would like to list all files (textures) connected to a selection ( an objet ) can you help me please. In terms of selecting things in C++, umm, don't !?! I read through the official docs and I couldn't find anything like this so it makes me wonder does it even exist. cmds as cmds def getTopParents(transforms): ''' Returns a list of the top most parents for the given transforms ''' parents = [] for t in transforms: p = cmds. setKeyframe maya; mel; or ask your own question. ls(sl=1) attrs=pm. Jul 10, 2002 · Hey there, I may be totally overlooking some obvious answer to this question, but how the hell do I get either an array of integer indices or string array of values that denote all of the items selected in a textScrollList object? Thanks in advance, Alec alec@community3d. the task is to use a MEL command to list the Source Anim curve that currently drives it. from maya import cmds def getShaderFrom (obj): ''' List all materials for the given object ''' # List the shapes of the given object shapes = cmds. Dec 9, 2020 · I agree with Dominique here. select() to get the results you need. by Chris Miller in forum Maya Modeling replies 0 on 27-04-2015 Random smooth flickering by ieoie in forum Programming replies 0 on 03-02-2013 Strange Problem - Unable to change attributes for multiple MEL examples. In general, it's good practice to never trust a name to be what you're specifying. Dec 15, 2017 · I'm new to mel script. Window > General Editor > Script Editor. I can display the face numbers, and if I click on one, the script editor helpfully spits this command: select -r joe_hair_geo. sphere( n='sphere1' ) cmds. Comment used in this video:select -allselect pCylinder1select group1|pTorus1select pTorus1select -add pSphere1select Not sure with mel, but you could use list comprehension in Python. Jan 2, 2018 · Well I'm opening some drawers from a furniture by script. Is this the best way to achieve that? import maya. ls(type="joint") Some possible types are, camera, mesh, joint etc. MEL solution is fine aswel. Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command. file or mel. . You can almost fake the visual appearance with a window whose title bar is set to off. Jul 31, 2001 · Hi, I need a command for listing the current selected object's shape. #33: How do I select a new object that I've created using MDagModifier? #32: How do you use Maya's "function" attribute types, commonly found on Trax character and clip animation nodes? #31: How do I specify, and parse, a matrix, double array or double list for a MPxCommand argument? Maya (MEL) duplicate selected object at specific time interval. The channelBox tool is dragAttrContext which is undocumented so you don't know the flags for the tool. 2. I hope someone can help out, thanks. Feb 6, 2019 · I'm trying to make a tool to help me hunt the"// Warning: Face 4133 has guides that are very close. cmds as cmds # Will return EVERYTHING selected all_selected = cmds. The advantage of attributeInfo() over listAttr() is that attributeInfo() has more filter flags to filter out the list based on various parameters and properties of the attributes. ls (obj, objectsOnly = 1, dagObjects = 1, shapes = 1) # List the shading engines connected to the shapes shadingEngines = cmds. Forums Home > Maya Community > Maya Programming forum > Large portions of Maya are implemented in Mel/Python and are not document these as they could change in a future release. Follow answered Mar 26, 2016 at 8: 39. 0sec" -time "15ntsc:15ntsc" -time "20:20" means the keys at time 1. hyperShade(resetGraph=True, dependGraphArea=True) for node in nodes: if Welcome to Autodesk’s Maya Forums. Apr 20, 2021 · MEL/Python Hi! I'm a complete zero in scripting, Use JointList = cmds. 'sl=1' also means "selected=True", so the full command means "list all selected items, and save them to the variable called "selected Nov 30, 2016 · To weed out default cameras, you could query for startupCamera using the cmds. Maya Basics & Newbie Lounge. delete("trunkCylinder") # Create a new cylinder called "trunkCylinder" Feb 26, 2016 · I am new to maya and mel, to execute the command i tried various ways to select the objects and keys but it dint seem to work, I looked online couldnt find anyway, i can select all objects using the mel and rotate but that wouldnt rotate them at the keys, i wanted to know is there any simple selection process by which i can execute a rotate command on all selected key. MEL Example sphere; delete; sphere -radius 5 -name Planet; move -relative 3 0 0; move -r 3 0 0; //same as above Resources •Help > Mel Reference for list of commands Accessing as button •In Script Editor, –highlight lines and then •File > Save selected to Shelf Open & Editing •In Script Editor: –File > Open Script Python examples import maya. eval("polySelectSp -ring;") cmds. ls(sl=True) for all in selection: mc. ls() # List all selected objects cmds. ls( '*:*_PH_PC') # add all groups belonging to the constraints to a list ls_parentGroups = [ obj. // -time "1. instance() cmds. For what it's worth, you can avoid the time slider twitching/updating during the code by setting the timeControl of the time slider to unmanaged during the script using cmds. python; translate; Hi, how to select joint hierarchy with the script, or if select the parent joint the i want to select whole hierarchy (listReleatives or listConnections) like. translateY" 12 ; or this way using Python command: import maya. Here is some code (with comments) to explain. Here's an example of a method for getting the uv bounding boxes of the shells in Python. ls(sl=1) selAttrs = cmds. cmds as cmds import maya. I have sphere13 selected and I want the mel script to recognize sphereShape13. If no items are specified on the command line, the currently selected items are added to the set. 1. The Overflow Blog Robots building robots in a robotic factory “Data is the key”: Twilio’s Head of R&D on the need for good data Selecting Faces in a list, maya python. Then, just create a list of selected edges and apply your split on each one. I want to get the user selection and assign all but the last object to one array variable and the last selected object to another variable. Return value. // Note that there are two objects named circle1; circle -n circle1; group; circle -n circle1; sphere -n sphere1; group; instance; select -ado; // list all objects ls; // List all selected objects ls -selection; // List all hilited objects ls -hilite; // List last selected object ls -selection -tail 1; // List all objects I'm trying to make a tool to help me hunt the"// Warning: Face 4133 has guides that are very close. cmds as cmds cmds. 2)Geometry in the scene. Such as determining selection order after the fact. I know I can use keyframe mel/python command, but how do I get this list through api? maya has 2 separate API's one for scripting user interactions and one for making nodes/exporters importers and little else. I'm trying to export a selection from Maya, w/o any user interaction (no dialog) via FBX. ls (sl=1) (selection flag) to list selected joints and then use this list for changing the rotate order. For a start, rather than executing the file command, prefer using the MFileIO interface instead. The attribute should be working correctly after the script is done - you may need to deselect and reselect it to properly refresh the attribute editor. You easly can convert any maya. s. Pymel Version # Let's use Pymel for fun import pymel. Paste your script in the lower MEL area Use Command->Execute from the editor //COLOR MANAGEMENT RAW colorManagementPrefs -edit -cmEnabled 1; To make it more automated, I was attempting to run the game option script, then have it only select the children (collision bounding) and toggle their state for a template color change. Hot Network Questions Jun 30, 2000 · If I have vertices 0, 1, 6, 7 selected in a poly object, and I run the following MEL line: string $selVerts[] = ls -sl; I get this as a result: // Result: pCube1. Like no matter whether I select anything or how many objects I select, it only exports the object named 'cube'. ls(type=('camera'), l=True) # Let's filter all startup / default cameras startup_cameras = [camera for camera in cameras if Sep 15, 2024 · It looks like you forgot to invert the order: in python the first argument is the target of the command, and the keywords come after; in Mel the flags come first. HypershadeWindow() ## Get the name of the hsPanel hsPanel = cmds. so iterating a for loop over all components of the selected object will get a list and as per the link anything not -1 can be considered creased. There are two commands you can run. This has been tested with a sphere and 2 old joints to 2 new joints. getPanel(withFocus=True) ## Clear the graph cmds. Select only keys that have times that are not a multiple of the specified numeric value. 0sec:1. Feb 13, 2020 · Specifies that the same selection rules as apply to selection in the main viewport will also be applied to the select command. Feb 6, 2023 · MEL examples // Keys on animation curves are identified by either // their time values or their indices. I know Mudbox has a check for this, but I can't find an easy command (obj, uvset = ''): selected = api. I am 3D artist so sorry for the lame question. MEL examples // create some objects and add them to a set sphere -n sphere1; sphere -n sphere2; sets -n set1 sphere1 sphere2; // select all dag objects and all dependency nodes select -all; // clear the active list select -clear; // select sphere2 only if it is visible select -visible sphere2; // select a couple of objects regardless of visibilty select -r sphere1; select -add sphere2 Following is a simple sample (with some comments): Try it out with different kind of objects and components selected. but when connection to create for m'divide node grow selected area and subtract the selected from the list with select border. file(filepath, force = True, options = "v = 0", type = "FBX export", exportSelected = True) mel. ls(type=['aiAreaLight']) lights. 3. mel as mm mm. Is there a way to list for the layers and have Maya honor the order used in the Welcome to the Autodesk Maya Subreddit. core as pmc import maya. mel as mel sel = pmc. e. eval('FBXExport') to export the fbx files. objExists("trunkCylinder"): cmds. If you want to rename multiple objects MEL examples listAttr -r -s; // This will list the scalar readable attributes of the // selected nodes. Maya Mels Scripts Octane Render Baking group id - Assign id to multiple objects shapes // 0 is for Red, 2 for Green, 4 for Blue // 3, 5 and 6 for Cyan, Magenta and Any thoughts as to how to make a list of set memebers in the same order they display in the outliner? From my testing, doing a: select setName; ls -sl; can give quite a different order than what is listed. If no objects are specified then the command lists the connections on selected nodes. If you're querying you just want the query and selectItem flags both true in Python: selected = cmds. Is there any way to The API works a little differently to MEL. I'm not very familiar with mel at all so I'm not sure what the syntax or anything is supposed to look like. Return value Jul 14, 2021 · I am looking for a way to select a channel in Maya ( ex, You are just allowed to directly set (without selection) a value using this MEL command: setAttr "pSphere1. This is a good example of how *not to do things: group -n myGroup1 circle1 sphere1; . ls() Here is reference to ls command. timeControl(widgetStr, edit=True, manage=False) and enabling it at the end again. MEL examples // create some objects and add them to a set sphere -n sphere1; sphere -n sphere2; sets -n set1 sphere1 sphere2; // select all dag objects and all dependency nodes select -all; // clear the active list select -clear; // select sphere2 only if it is visible select -visible sphere2; // select a couple of objects regardless of visibilty select -r sphere1; select -add sphere2 How to use select MEL command in Maya. vtx[0], polySurface1. I would like to select al objects with a certain prefix. The rename method expects 2 strings as parameters, an existing object to rename, and what to rename it to. The thing you call the API is reserved for node making so if you operate Thanks again, I've managed to get the selecting all in scene to work. The correct way to select nodes in python is to use cmds. ls(sl=True) # Will filter out and return just the verts # from everything selected just_the_selected_verts = cmds. From what I can tell, sets store items internally in the order created, not the order they were added to the set, and in no way related to their hierarchy. -edgeBorderPath(-ebp) int int: MEL examples polySelect -edgeRing 1 pCube1; polySelect -toggle -edgeRingPath 1 10 pCube1; polySelect -ns -edgeRingPath 1 10 pCube1; polySelect -edgeRingPath 1 10 -edgeRingPath 11 20 pCube1; polySelect import maya. : Please don't tell me "The solution is to use python". Here's what works fine on a single edge selection: single edge selection: import maya. Reply reply His beginner Does anyone know if this is possible; I want to use a hilited frame range selection on the timeline as a way for defining a frame range in a mel script. camera. unfortunately i have already gon through with all related MEL procedures in scripts/other dir along with referenceEditorPanel. We share and discuss topics regarding the world's leading 3D software. If none of the five flags [-add, -af, -r, -d, -tgl] are specified, the default is to replace the objects on the active list with the given list of objects. circle( n='circle1' ) cmds. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 9 months ago. displaySurface -xRay true; //Xray on displaySurface -xRay false; Python With Maya Selecting Object and Rotating It. Here's is my frankenscript. MAYA - create objects in random order by marcopongo in forum Maya Modeling replies 1 on 29-04-2015 Random local rotations on multiple objects. In particular, if the specified objects are members of a black-boxed container and are not published as nodes, Maya will not select them. so i think i can't use that as a component and thanks for the scroll Layout will definitely give it a try. mel This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. not sure how familiar you are with python, so apologies if that doesn't make a ton of sense Hi, can anyone tell me if its possible to get a list of all the keyframes for an object with a single command? I've tried the findKeyframe function with various flags and it doesn't seem to work I'm thinking of maybe resorting to using a big loop to go through the animation and look for keys that way but that will be real slow! Thanks for any help! MEL examples // create some objects to operate on and select them all. Comment used in this video:select -allselect pCylinder1select group1|pTorus1select pTorus1select -add pSphere1select pymel. polySplitRing(ief=True, cch=1) Here's what I'm working at for multiple edge solution Basically, I'm trying to create a Python script that allows the user to simply "0" out multiple selected attributes on Maya's Channel box. if i not in names: # deselect mel. vtx Jun 26, 2024 · I have a scenario, where I need to snap an Object B over the vertices of a selected edge of Object A. i whana get it working at least that way. • Restart Maya • In the mel. the union, intersection and difference of sets can be performed which returns a list of members of the sets which are a result most of the time maya returns the results of commands as lists of strings. So we must make sure we do the listConnections on the shape nodes. yes every face needs to have 4 edges. How to run command on multiple selected objects in maya. The -ni/noIntermediate flag works with the -s/shapes flag. This command is used to put objects onto or off of the active list. Basically I would need a list of those UV shells and to be able to select faces/verts/edges inside of it. Bryan Ewert's Maya & MEL page. I know that I can toggle manually xray with the code. This is just copy and pasted with some adjustments. Synopsis. So in order for this to work, I need the script to select the drawers in the right order so the first one is open at let's say a translate of 20, the second one a translate of 25, etc. eval('FBXExport -f "%s" -s'%(filepath) ) When I used the code above to export, it exports all objects I selected, not the one named 'cube'. Try this code in a Python tab in the script editor: import pymel. How to create list in Maya using python. Like snap to every alternate vertex. mel as mel def createCylinder(): # Check if cyli MEL for delete by history of an object. Pretty much exactly as the title states, I've got a simple python script in Maya that isn't functioning. cmds as cmds # create some objects to operate on and select them all. Here’s a relatively easy newbie version that doesn’t need the API, in case that’s the stumbling block: import maya. The image at right depicts a selected polymesh face component. cmds as cmds selected = cmds. Select Subobjects in maya python. Anyway, the name of the channelBox control is mainChannelBox. Delete it if cmds. ls(selection=True, dag=True) ## Open the panel, doesn't re-open if already up and sets focus cmds. Dec 28, 2016 · I'm in Maya and I need to select a whole bunch of objects, then create a joint that is parented under each of those objects. Training & Courses Free Tutorials Community I wanted to know if it is possible to write a MEL or Python script, to delete any selected objects history(and not the script editors history), and freeze tranformation. Maya enums are pretty lame. Maya will treat ['xxx'] and [u'xxx'] interchangeably. f [4] I need a command for listing the current selected object's shape. What's the syntax to select the object based off the name stored in the string? Thank you for your help. maya python: 'list' object is not callable # Hot Network Questions 3 days ago · I read through the official docs and I couldn't find anything like this so it makes me wonder does it even exist. Welcome to the Autodesk Maya Subreddit. They are unicode strings ( u'xxx') but that's OK - Maya accepts those interchangeably with regular strings: you can safely ignore the Unicode-ness of the strings and you don't need to go out of your way to make your own strings into Unicode. I don't know in advance what it's name will be, but I do know that I'll have the object's name stored in a string. set with a default name of "set#" (where # is an integer). I'm trying to iterate each vertex for a selected object, but I'm not quite sure how. ls(selection=True) to capture the selection it will return you a list of strings. Selecting via the API, as in your example, is sadly the source of numerous bugs :(– Mar 23, 2017 · My problem: I want to save the list of the Attribute with a specific prefix into an array. How do I set all display edges in a model to hard (in Maya 2017)? I found a MEL script in a different post that lets you select all hard edges (this one: polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1;), but I want to turn all display edges to hard, not just select them. so how to do this b'se i want to create spine stretch, i created script for arclength, multiplydivide nodes,and connecting arclength to multplydivides with just one click. I need to know, how to list all the vertices of a selected polyObject edge in a sequence, so that I can duplicate and snap the objects to required vertices based on my requirement. sphere( ch=True, n='BALL' ) cmds. 309 2 2 maya; mel; or ask your own I need select all objects in Maya with name "shd" and after that I need assigned to them specific material. While this is true, you’re not going to gain any incredibly useful additional knowledge that you won’t learn using maya. ls' is a maya List command, it can be used to query objects based on the given arguments. mel code: Maya MEL / Python Saving Data. We share and discuss topics regarding the world's leading 3D-modeling software. My question is what are all types available to ls() command? Documentation doesn't help much. selected()[0] # query all user defined attributes (you can combine this with other flags: 'keyable', 'locked', etc. Reply reply His beginner series for Maya is all free and every second is gold. Just because API bindings exist in python, doesn't mean that using them is a good idea. string[] List of connection plugs/nodes: Keywords import maya. Also, note that the extrude nodes are connected to the shape nodes and not the transform nodes. So I've got something like: string $array[] = `ls -sl`;$numInts = size($array);int $i=0;for How to use select MEL command in Maya. eval MEL examples // create some objects and add them to a set sphere -n sphere1; sphere -n sphere2; sets -n set1 sphere1 sphere2; // select all dag objects and all dependency nodes select -all; // clear the active list select -clear; // select sphere2 only if it is visible select -visible sphere2; // select a couple of objects regardless of visibilty select -r sphere1; select -add sphere2 I need a mel script that will look at a meshes various face selection sets and use these set names to assign unique materials with that name to each set of face. I have an object (Cube for example) that is keyed to move (Translate) from point A to point B in 20 frames. However, if I try to USE that command, to select a particular face number, I'm getting an Solved: Hi everyone, i would like to know if there is a full list and description of MEL commands, since this one have a limited number of commands. In addition to knowing what types of objects are selected it is often important to know how they relate to other scene This seems an absurdly simple question, and I feel embarrassed for asking it, but: How do I list all vertices in a polygon mesh? i. That could only You can use the H2O MEL Script ‘findFilterExpand. I wonder if is possible to do anything like it in Maya using Select all conected border edges starting at the given edge. from maya import cmds # read all parent constraints into a list ls_constraints = cmds. That way you don't see anything happen with the time slider at all and it's less obvious it's doing all List of Mel commands Go to Help->Maya Scripting Reference->MEL Command Reference Run the Script Editor Open the Windows->General Editors->Script Editor or hit the {;} icon in the lower right. 3)Combine the two if the match. cmds as cmds selEdges = cmds. ; However, if I try to USE that command, to select a particular face number, I'm getting Sep 25, 2024 · Maya Mels Scripts Octane Render Baking group id - Assign id to multiple objects shapes // 0 is for Red, 2 for Green, 4 for Blue // 3, 5 and 6 for Cyan, Magenta and Jun 9, 2020 · ''' Takes the first selected object and copies its joint influences and skinning to the second selected object ''' # 'cmd. Modified 3 years, 9 months ago. because that is in no way guaranteed to Apr 2, 2013 · Hey I am currently working on a tool in maya and have a need to select each face and measure the surface area of each. Improve this answer. Maya – Select objects in viewport via Python. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. // -time "10pal:10pal" means the key at frame 10 (PAL format). polySplitRing(ief=True, cch=1) Here's what I'm working at for multiple edge solution. mySel = cmds. animLayer("AnimLayer3", edit=True, selected=True, preferred=True) The script is first deselecting all animlayers and then selecting the one name "AnimLayer3". We can list specific type of element by passing type parameter. filterExpand(sm=31) MEL examples // To delete selected objects use: delete; // To delete a few specific objects like surfaceShape1, surface1 and // paramCurve1 use: delete surfaceShape1 surface1 paramCurve1; // To delete all channels in the scene: delete -all -c; // To delete static channels connected to selected nodes: delete -sc; // To delete motion path nodes connected to selected nodes: Note that we use the command listAttr() to get a list of all the attributes of the node. In Maya there is a ls command which lists all objects in a scene (or DAG). Return value Oct 29, 2011 · On Learning MEL - Some people argue learning MEL is a good skill because it teaches you how Maya works internally. Expression nodes are however capable of running mel inside them, because they do kow the whole mel parser routine. Times and indices can // be given individually or as part of a list or range. MEL examples listAttr -r -s; // This will list the scalar readable attributes of the // selected nodes. listConnections (shapes, type = "shadingEngine") # List the materails Welcome to the Autodesk Maya Subreddit. treeView (mytreeview, q=True, selectItem=True) and setting looks like: Feb 6, 2023 · Specifies that the same selection rules as apply to selection in the main viewport will also be applied to the select command. translateY', 12) Share. May 11, 2019 · I'm making a planet generating Python script and I'm almost done except I only have it set up for a single selected vertex, which is time consuming. You can get the list with: undoInfo -q -pq; There are a few really really good use cases for scalping Maya undo. SimplyMaya. Note: As of Maya v3 the filterExpand selectionMasks are finally included in the on-line documentation Traversing Scene Hierarchies. pm. joint() But it fails when I have more than 1 object selected. parent(mySel, mySel[0]) If wanna better understand these commands search them in the docs, you can use this mel command 'OpenPyCmdRef' to open the page. listRelatives(t, parent=True, Note that we use the command listAttr() to get a list of all the attributes of the node. Reply reply How is it possible to get the animated attribute associated with an animation curve in Maya? Given an animated attr, the task is to use a MEL command to list the Source Anim curve that currently drives it. screenshot of outliner: the only way I found is to select all lights , but I want only the lights with this prefix to append in my array. core as pm # Get all cameras first cameras = pm. ls Oct 13, 2022 · Hey, you’ve tumbled up code a bit - here’s a version heavily commented, so you can understand what each line does: import pymel. May 22, 2003 · Does anyone know if this is possible; I want to use a hilited frame range selection on the timeline as a way for defining a frame range in a mel script. Even their syntax differs, somewhat. listRelatives [-allDescendents] When listing children, shape nodes will return their underworld objects in the list of children. general. getSelectionListByName(obj) node = selected. This is the best place for learning, as there's also examples at the bottom of the page for pretty much every command. mel’ to aid in finding these undocumented Selection Mask values. First, you don't especially need to use mel module, you can do the same operations in Python (better). Mar 11, 2020 · I need select all objects in Maya with name "shd" and after that I need assigned to them specific material. select. Is there any way to do this? The "ls -s" command only lists all shapes in the scene regards Mel Dec 5, 2000 · You can use the H2O MEL Script ‘findFilterExpand. selected()[0] #get all children from the selected joint and puts it in a list joints = Sep 10, 2013 · This command returns a list of all attributes/objects of a specified type that are connected to the given object(s). Selecting Faces in a list, maya python. mel as mel nodes = cmds. MEL examples // Keys on animation curves are identified by either Returns a list of strings, the names of all the selected attributes in the INPUT section of the channel box. This is probably a very easy script to put together but for the life of me I am having some difficulty with it. The python code I used to export. Note that we can also use attributeInfo() to get a list of the attributes also. how can I do this? Thank you. attrName. In any case it may be difficult to know what it actually was form the queue so you may need to undo and redo to get what the deleted object was. -selectedOutputAttributes (-soa) query Returns a list of strings, the names of all the selected attributes in the OUTPUT section of the channel box. what i got is they have a separate control called sceneEditor which displays the reference list and carries other reference related info. I got trouble with exporting a specific object based on its name. This way its possible to animate the selecting object, so that the affected region changes accordingly. mc. getDependNode(0) mesh = api May 4, 2021 · I have a selection of transforms in maya and I want to get the top parent transforms of all hierarchies within the selection. channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, sma=1) print selObjs # returns [u'pCube1'] print selAttrs # returns [u'ty'] This command returns a list of all attributes/objects of a specified type that are connected to the given object(s). In addition to knowing what types of objects are selected it is often important to know how they relate to other scene Oct 6, 2012 · Names can be a bit annoying with MEL. Step 2) Run code. core as pm objects=pm. # Clear vertex selection. They can only export my selected objects. Feb 9, 2006 · I am pretty new to MEL and I am trying to create a script that will count the number of objects that I have selected in the main window. If we were to query this face using the API we would learn that Maya constructs this face in the vertex order: 295, 12, 14, The following MEL procedure takes as arguments an edge component and related face component, and returns a string array containing the ordered vertex pair I am using cmds. However, in Times and indices can be given individually or as part of a list or range (see Examples). ls( selection=True ) # List Hi, so I'm trying to write a simple script that allows me to just execute the "lock and hide" function to all selected attributes without me having to go through the menus. I was trying to follow this tutorial to figure it out in MEL, but unfortunately when I try it, it just gets me all of the attributes instead of just the selected one. selectionConnection('graphEditor1FromOutliner', q=1, object=1) for attr in attrs: buffer A complete port of that won't be possible in vanilla Maya - You'd need to use python and QT because the built-in GUI objects (such as TextField) don't fire any events on keypresses so you won't be able to live-update as the user types. Okay you should understand that tehres a HUGE difference between a expression and MEL, its like night and day. replace( '_PH_PC', '_SN' ) for obj in ls_constraints ] ## print the pairs # for i in range(len(ls_constraints)): # print ls_constraints[i In Maya, when I list for the render layers in a scene, Maya returns the layers, but not always in the order they are displayed in its' legacy render layer editor. This is true after your change the name of an existing render layer, or add and subtract render layers. select( ado=True ) # list all objects cmds. 0. Welcome to Autodesk’s Maya Forums. cv[8]') so if you know which CVs you want to select and on which curves, you can likely use the built in function range, a couple nested for loops, and the flag 'add=True' in your pymel. select -r "bldg_window_pilar_*" Steps using advanced MEL Hi list, In MAX there is something called volume-select, which make every vertex or face that falls inside another cusom object (any geometry), selected, so that the selection can be affected by a new modifier. Oct 28, 2017 · import maya. I have a mesh that comes into maya with a unique face selection set for each material. I don't know how to do that because when I wrote: select -r "shd"; it send me the message: More than one object matches name: shd // So maybe I should select them one by one in some for loop or something. If someone can give me some ideas I would really appreciate it. Feb 6, 2023 · This command returns a list of all attributes/objects of a specified type that are connected to the given object(s). ls(sl=True) cmds. Using Maya 2018 by the way. so it needs to be object oriented. Create 2 lists: 1)Selected Objects. Listing children of components of objects returns nothing. select them like you would anything else in mel. pymel. extend(selectionLights) If someone can help me , would be amazing ! rivet. Nov 29, 2021 · So, I know your question is about MEL, and I am sorry for not being able to help you with that BUT i think i can help you with python and pymel. import string $face [] = ls -sl; will list the selected faces, however, if there is a range, say face 4, 5 and 6, it'll make a single list item pCube1. MGlobal. cmds as cmds def get_verts_below(obj, comparison): results = [] # get all the vertices in the object vertlist = cmds. 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