A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to the PN?, A PN ending their shift reports to A nurse is caring for a 78 year old client who is being seen for hypertension. This action is supported by your right of self-determination. For which of the following findings should the nurse intervene?, A nurse is planning care for several clients. Which situation does the nurse identify as an ethical dilemma? 1. Which indicates understanding of teaching. The American Nurses Association has guided and supported nursing practice through creation and Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A psychiatric-mental health nurse is implementing evidence-based practice. The therapist must evaluate the threat Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the best action for the nurse to take when faced with a moral problem that threatens to disrupt the delivery of patient care? a. This is an example of an intervention related to which domain in the biopsychological model? a. Which action should the nurse expect to take as a member of the ethics committee?, Which theory of ethics prioritizes the nurse's relationship with clients and the nurse's character in the practice of ethical nursing?, Which word is best described as To practice competently and with integrity, today's nurses must have in place several key elements that guide the profession, such as an accreditation process for education, a rigorous system for licensure and certification, and a relevant code of ethics. " C. policy recommendation, which element is necessary for the resolution of conflicting opinions? SATA A. Allow additional time for the staff nurse to respond to a question or idea. The patients family does not agree with his decision and requests the ethics committee to intervene on their behalf. The client worked as a construction worker prior to his injury. Denise_Sanchez43. Any “No” responses to audit questions will have corrective action noted with evaluation of follow-up at the subsequent Compliance and Ethics Committee meeting. A heavy workload prevents a nurse from providing the care that each client requires d. a disturbance in the During the ethics committee meeting a situation is discussed where the family wants one course of treatment and the client desires another. Which of the following members of the inter professional team should participate in planning care for this client? (Select all that apply). Informed consent, Nurses must maintain the privacy of clients. Inspect the client for injuries. Nor does the nurse arrange a committee meeting to Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is preparing to transfer an older adult client who is 72 hr postoperative from a surgical procedure to a long-term care facility. Which of the following actions should the commictee take first? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like which aim is a purpose of ethics committees? SATA A. Which action should the nurse expect to take as a member of the ethics committee? and more. Which of the following actions should the committee take first? A nurse is caring for a client who has cancer and is taking oral morphine and docusate sodium. Beneficence 2. Need for special equipment, A nurse is participating in an interprofessional conference for a client who has a recent C6 spinal cord injury. " Which type of ethical approach is the nurse exhibiting?, Which word is best described as protection and support of another's A nurse is participating in an interprofessional conference for a client who has. patient teaching C. ) The President's Commission for the Study of Ethics in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, A. "This group will review each case presented Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the past three to four decades, nursing has moved into the forefront in providing care for the dying. Exhibit 1: Day 1, 1715: Client is 6 hr postoperative following abdominal surgery. The parents of a child with a rare condition want to transfer the patient to a specialty hospital. The client has type 2 diabetes mellitus w/ neuropathy & high cholesterol. A client mirrors the nursing student's nervousness and hesitancy during assessment. ignore the situation d. - Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Several times, family members have asked you to share personal prescriptions when they were in need of pain medication or antibiotics. Confidentiality might also be breached when members are talking with employees outside of ethics committee meetings when they provide advice on an ethics-related topic. 4. Which action should the nurse expect to take as a member of the ethics committee?, A nurse obtains an order for a bed alarm for a confused client. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse in a physician's office has noted on several occasions that one of the physicians frequently obtains controlleddrug prescription forms for prescription writing. A middle-aged adult assistive personnel (AP) mentoring a younger less-experienced AP on the unit. C) The nurse recommends that the organization report the abuse to state authorities. The nurse suspects physical abuse and neglect. A client is referred to a surgeon by the general practitioner. - review ethical cases when there is agreement among family members on which course of care to follow. In which type of quality audit is the nurse participating? Process. The client's advance directives status C. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?, An RN on a medical-surgical unit is making assignments at the beginning of the shift. Client is resting and easily awakened. Quality of care, A nurse has been Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following theories of ethics most highly prioritizes the nurse's relationship with patients and the nurse's character in the practice of ethical nursing? a) Utilitarianism b) Care-based ethics c) Deontology d) Principle-based ethics, A client is scheduled to have an elective surgical procedure performed and Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like After starting a new job, a nurse-manager has been surprised at the amount of grapevine communication that happens. ) Independent contractor, D. Number the following clients in the order in which they should be seen. Consider the possible choices of action. A) Diagnosis B) Family status C) Level of functioning D) Intellectual capacity, A nursing home social worker has a client who is elderly and mentally alert. The client has decided to forgo any additional treatment and be allowed to die. Confidentiality might be breached during ethics committee meetings in which members use information from related, but separate, cases when discussing a particular topic. 1–3 The clinical ethics committee (CEC) is a kind of CESS which has been established in many hospitals in many Western countries. Which of the following statements Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Professionalism Quiz, so you can be ready for test day. The nurse has encouraged the client to attend the meeting, knowing that the family's support would be Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is caring for a client who has end-stage pancreatic cancer. type of anesthesia used B. 4 Nursing homes (residential long-term care), however, are seldom served by CECs. Has unrealistic expectations for herself, A client has actively Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A meeting is called with the hospital's ethics committee. D) The nurse reports only information the client has authorized for release. For which of the following clients should the nurse collaborate with the facility ethics committee? a. Collect information related to the issue. B. This action is The nurse is participating in a unit meeting to discuss daily nursing care expectations. In the USA at the same time, the inclusion of nurses in clinical ethics deliberations and their participation in Hospital Ethics Committees (HECs) was Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which clinical situation provides an example of transference? A. The nurse states, "This happens to many women. Which phenomenon has most contributed to this increased focus of care of the dying? A) Increased incidence of infections and acute illnesses B) Increased focus of health care providers on disease Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1) A nurse enters the room of a client who is on contact precautions and find the client lying on the floor. E. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A. A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. Which intervention is the most important? 1 Confronting the client about substance abuse 2 Overlooking the drug problem during hospitalization 3 Assessing for amount and time of last substance use 4 Advocating for adequate dosage of pain medication The client has the right to expect a nurse-client relationship that is based on shared respect, trust, collaboration in solving problems related to health and healthcare needs, and consideration of his or her thoughts and feelings. During orientation, a graduate nurse attends an ethics committee meeting to learn about ethical issues facing hospitals and health care workers. The client initially agreed to a meeting but has told the nurse that the client plans to cancel it at the last minute. Because the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics requires the nurse to preserve integrity, but the nurse wants to follow the family's instructions, the nurse faces an ethical dilemma. Engage in ethics discussions with both nurses and other health care practitioners. Notify the nurse manager about the lack of participation of the staff nurse. A 20-year-old carpenter with a history of substance abuse falls from a roof and sustains fractures of the right femur and left tibia. A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for surgery. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the transfer report? (Select all that apply). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like C. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is sitting with friends in a coffee shop while working on a plan of care for a client. Instruct the client to ask for Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like While participating in a continuous quality improvement program, a nurse is reviewing medical records to determine the time of first post-op ambulation of clients who had abdominal surgery. Nurses must have an understanding of:, Nurses are responsible for _____ and _____ resident rights, Clients who have a mental health Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An emergency department provides care for all individuals regardless of circumstances and ability to pay. The nurse who respects the patients right to refuse treatment is following which bioethical principle? a. Veschio believes ethics committees can alleviate nurse burnout and improve retention, especially in areas such as the ICU, where life and death issues are common and can be morally wrenching. Participate in continuing education that is restricted to nurses. Which of the following supplies should the nurse plan to use for this task?, A nurse in a long-term care facility is serving on the ethics committee, which is addressing a client care dilemma. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse manager is providing teaching to a group of newly licensed nurses about organizational culture. It is difficult to control or stop. Select all that apply. 00 + . You are currently in an ethics committee. all of the above, The depressed client is deciding which type of treatment 8. The committee is currently working on the impact of relationships on healthcare ethics. The ethics committee examines all of the facts and provides support for the clients and caregivers). Which is the appropriate nursing action?, The nurse is newly employed in a health We all know that nurse administrators should be helping to promote core ethical principles in nursing practice. " b. AccessAPN is a subscription-based resource from McGraw Hill that features trusted medical content from the best minds in medicine. Potential harm to clients participating in research studies like the Tuskegee Study was rationalized based on the utilitarian view that potential harm to Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse enters the room of a client and finds the client lying on the floor. Non discrimination, 2. The client has been seen frequently in the ED for the past several weeks for various issues. Client B is a 16-year-old adolescent in need of a liver transplant because of a birth Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse enters the room of a client and finds the client lying on the floor. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is preparing a client for a lumbar puncture. "Clean your bathroom fixtures with a chlorine bleach solution. Care based on keeping with the values of the client d. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?, A nurse manager is implementing a team nursing approach on his unit, hiring Clinical ethics support services (CESS) aid in the handling of ethical challenges in healthcare. On what should the committee members focus when Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse at a rehabilitation facility is participating in an interprofessional care conference for a client who is 1 week postoperative following an above-the-knee amputation. The ethics committee provides education, policy recommendations, and case a. Which action by the other staff nurses is best? a. 17 terms. a. Sound decisions are characterized by assurance of adequate information, multiple perspectives, sufficiently deliberate thought, emotional support for all decision makers, and legal acceptability. The client's vital signs on day of admission D. The client frequently visits the ED for various reports of pain. patient care D. After meeting the surgeon, the client decides to find a different surgeon to continue treatment. A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. After three treatments, the experimental medication is discontinued due to evidence of rapidly advancing kidney failure. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How is the term Ethics as applied to nursing best defined? a. " c. Which of the following actions should the committee a nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. The nurse should instruct the client I don't want to go home. C. The lorazepam will reduce symptoms of withdrawal. The nurse teaches the client's family about the drug. " When the nurse later returns and provides an explanation, the nurse is acting under which principle? 1. Believes she will have a heart attack 4. Which nurse is experiencing moral distress? a. Participating in walking rounds that involve the exchange of client-related information outside clients' rooms. Doing what is best for the client b. Type of anesthesia used B. The family wants all nursing staff to tell the client that the wife was air lifted to another hospital, has a severe head injury, and is in the ICU. A) I have the AP double check packed RBC when other nurses are busy B) I can delegate the removal of an IV catheter to an LPN C) Family of patient recently treated me to lunch D) I administer pain medication to my patient even if they have narcotic addiction in their Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. After reviewing documentation a hospitalized client says that part of the health history is incorrect. A Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The charge nurse should intervene when overhearing a gerontological nurse make which statement to a client?, During the ethics committee meeting a situation is discussed where the family wants one course of treatment and the client desires another. Which of the following clients should the nurse refer to a case manager?, A nurse is caring for a client who has breast cancer and is to Participate in continuing education that is restricted to nurses. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and is in need of a liver transplant. The ethics committee would most likely use which model in this patients case? A) The nurse includes the entirety of the client's medical record. Now the A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and is in need of a liver transplant. Replace the staff nurse with a nurse who is more outgoing and confident. An alert, oriented, and competent 87-year-old man has asked to have a DNAR order put on his chart. refer the problem to the physician b. advance directives status C. After all, the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses places ethical concerns right at the center of nursing practice throughout its nine provisions. "Short-term use of lorazepam can lead to dependence. It consists of The group has a formal structure, with voluntary, selective membership and structured activities during meeting times. The client describes feeling disconnected from God, nature, family, or peers. Which of the following is the purpose of ethical review committee? A. Trust D. d. Collect information related to the issue 2. Access to care 3. Cost of care 2. Assist in decision making based on the client's best interests. The nurse tells another nurse, "She is drug seeking. a disturbance in the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like a nurse is preparing to transfer an older adult client who is 72 hr postoperative to a long‐term care facility. Her hospital?s committee emphasizes four pillars of ethical care: patient autonomy; beneficence, or helping others; justice, involving fair use of limited A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. D)the subject has evolved to more abstract situational ethics. "We Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A client with insomnia has been prescribed a sleep medication that does not contain REM sleep suppressors. 34. The ethics committee relieves health care professionals from dealing with ethical issues D. Each of these features can be enhanced by appropriate involvement of the nurse on an ethics committee. Promote implementation of general standards, 2. Nurse members of an ethics committee could present forums on ethical issues for thecommittee,staff, patients, andfamilies. Treatment d. Veracity 3. "Education concerning ethics is a role of the committee. Nurse Polita is a member of the ethics review committee. Theycoulddeveloplitera A nurse volunteers to serve on the hospital ethics committee. b. She discusses this at the next unit meeting and tells staff members that unless they do their jobs well, their positions Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A newly hired nurse is receiving education about the role of the facility's ethics committee during the orientation period. A nurse is caring for a client who speaks only Spanish and is to undergo hip arthroplasty the next day . identification Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which action would cause a charge nurse to have concerns about a nurse's moral agency?, A nurse has completed 4 hours of an 8-hour shift on a medical-surgical unit when the nursing supervisor calls. recent C6 spinal cord injury. The committee members seem hostile and blaming, and one member suggests that the committee should no longer meet. The nurse who fails to remove a patient from an unsafe situation has violated which bioethical principle? a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Which of the following rights can be suspended with a good cause? a. Which of the following should the nurse include in the transfer report? (Select all that apply). Consider the possible choices of action 3. A nurse receives a change-of-shift report at 0700 for an assigned caseload of clients. One nurse is quiet and rarely adds to the group discussion. This is an example of which ethical principle? and more. Which of the following statements by a newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of organizational culture?, A nurse is participating in an interdisciplinary team meeting for clients on the unit. Which type of ethics focuses on the importance of relationships in the decision-making process? Select all that Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A health care issue often becomes an ethical dilemma because: - A patient's legal rights coexist with a health professional's obligations - Decisions must be made quickly, often under stressful conditions - The choices involved do not appear to be clearly right or wrong - Decisions must be made based on value 6. Which of the following assignments is an example of overdelegation?, A nurse is participating in a hospital committee to discuss rationing of care and resources during a pandemic. Convince the family to choose a specific course of action. Ensure that the attending physician or health care provider has written an order for an ethics consultation to support the ethics process. which of the following actions should the committee What are ethical dilemmas and how should nurses participate in resolving them? This chapter answers these questions by reviewing concepts related to ethical nursing practice and The first action the ethics committee should take is to A. Ethics, Part I: Issues in Nursing 0029-6465/89 $0. On what should the committee members focus when discussing the One nurse is quiet and rarely adds to the group discussion. It always involves verbal, face-to-face communication. The hospital has a well-designed, fully functioning interdisciplinary ethics committee. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When a patient below the age of _________________ is permitted to sign a consent form, the nurse determines the patient is likely an emancipated minor. the nurse should identify that the nurse manager is using which of the The client's advance directives status C. Which of the following responses should the nurse me to honor the clients request? A. An adult child tries to persuade the social worker to change the client's mind about the decision. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse volunteers to serve on the hospital ethics committee. The children of a terminally ill client do not want the client's prognosis communicated to the client c. The flight attendant asks for assistance from anyone with medical training. The client's child speaks English and is in the room with them . Non discrimination, Psychiatric nurses may describe a psychopathological condition as: a. The nurse is reviewing medical records to determine the time of first postoperative ambulation of clients who had abdominal surgery. At the end of the meeting, the members collectively agree that consensus building is the best method for the decision-making process. Vital signs on day of admission d. The decision maker in this case, and many ethical dilemmas, *is the client or the family. d) Actively participate in developing ethically sound A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol u Which of the following actions should the committee take first? Collect information related to the issue. The nurse is monitoring the client's response to the The nurse is a member of the ethics committee. Justice b. Autonomy d. Which action should the nurse expect to take as a member of the ethics committee?, A nurse working on a critical care unit was informed by a client with multiple sclerosis that the client did not wish to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac arrest. , The nurse is on an airplane when another passenger becomes short of breath. Fidelity c. This demonstrates that the client: 1. A detailed competency profile for nurses' participation in ethics committees as outlined in the recommendations may serve nursing education, institutional committees and nurses themselves to meet Introduction. She is in significant pain. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A graduate nurse is excited to be the selective recipient of a newly invented, Kari, a head nurse on the dialysis unit, has been informed during budget planning meetings that budget cuts are likely. " B. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse manager is participating in the health care organization's strategic planning committee. Ask a staff member for assistance getting the client back in bed. Veracity d. Which of the following rights can be suspended with a good cause?* a. In which type of quality audit is the nurse participating?, A nurse is preparing to care for a group of clients after Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is caring for a client who has recently experienced the death of a partner. Client A is a 45-year-old substance abuser whose liver is damaged as a result of his use of alcohol. c. It comes to light that some members of the care team are allowing the client unlimited time to complete her rituals while others are enforced strict limits. The nurse is caring for a client who has refused to take an oral medication ShoW HIN 1 FiA; A nurse is participating in an ethics commiltee meeting aboat a client who has a history of akohel use disarder ond is is need of a liver trasaplant. " Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Refer the client to social services for assistance in seeking safe housing. Gather all relevant information regarding the clinical, social, and spiritual aspects of the dilemma. PDF to Text Batch Convert Multiple Files Software - Please purchase personal license. biologic d. The living will requires that the client's signature be witnessed, and the client asks the nurse to witness the signature. Which of the following findings is the priority for the nurse to report at the conference?, A nurse is verifying informed consent with a A nurse is caring for four clients. Which type of rules or standards should govern your moral decision?, Your client has just returned to your unit following abdominal surgery. 4 The nurse arranges an ethics committee meeting with participants from different disciplines to negotiate the outcome. The client has signed the consent form but tells the nurse that she does not remember what the doctor will do during the procedure. Discussing a client's condition over the phone with an individual who has provided the client's information code. Which of the following should the nurse include in the transfer report? (Select all that apply), A nurse is participating in an interprofessional conference for a client Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The nurse has successfully completed a distance learning class on ECG (electrocardiogram) interpretation. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A. social c. Fidelity, A nurse forgets to administer a client's diuretic and the A nurse studying the history of nursing ethics over the years would conclude that A)articles show the topics of concern have stayed fairly similar. Which of the following manifestations is an indication that the client is experiencing cocaine toxicity? A) Hypothermia B) Piloerection C) Somnolence D) Seizures, A nurse is reinforcing teaching with an adolescent client who has a history of D. THE ROLE OF THE NURSE ON HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEES 555 Nurses have knowledge andskills in theeducationof patients, families, and staff. 5. The nurse should contribute to nursing practice and knowledge development and thus participate in the advancement of the profession A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. - act as a guardian and substitute its judgment over the family's judgment. The nurse is caring for a client who has refused to take an oral medication Consult a professional ethicist to ensure that the steps of the process occur in full. Availability of care 4. At their routine providers visit, the client reports to the intake nurse that they have been drinking alcohol more heavily lately ever since their partner passed away. Psychiatric nurses may describe a psychopathological condition as:* a. ____A client who has been receiving a blood transfusion since 0400 ____A client who has an every 4 hr PRN analgesic prescription Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The nurse enters a client's room and notes that the client's lawyer is present and that the client is preparing a living will. A young adult client who is participating in a medical research study d Advocacy Rationale: Advocacy is the protection and support of another's rights. What is the therapist's obligation regarding this revelation? The therapist must keep the comment confidential, because the disclosure is protected by therapist-client confidentiality. 4 Ethics Committees Nurses should be aware of the process for requesting guidance and support from ethics committees at their workplace for ethical issues affecting clients or staff. A nurse asking to care for an older adult client every day who reminds the nurse of a favorite grandparent. A nurse knows that a colleague called in sick to work Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A charge nurse is delegating tasks to nursing personnel on a 10-bed medical-surgical nursing unit. case consultation E. Which statement, if made by the nurse, indicates an understanding of the stages of group development? a. If not, corrective action for completion is noted. Accountability C. Which of the following actions should the committee take first? 1. Call the provider B. Which example is a The nurse attends an ethics committee meeting to discuss ethical issues that hospitals and healthcare professionals face. Beneficence, 2. Which factor is the primary driving force and controlling factor in new initiatives this committee might recommend? 1. education B. B) The nurse compiles a report with all pertinent information that is factually true. , 2. This step is crucial in understanding the client's situation, medical history, the severity of their A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol u Which of the following actions should the committee take first? Collect information related to These multidisciplinary committees can provide prompt consultations about patient care dilemmas, give debriefings after a trying case, improve communication processes and Nursing's prolonged contact with the patient, therapeutic communication skills, and goal-oriented approach facilitate the ethical decision-making process and make nurses well-suited to A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. The family would like the client to continue aggressive therapy to treat the cancer, but the client has voiced to the nurse that no further pursuit of treatment is desired. Which statements indicate an understanding of the role of this group? Select all that apply a. Veracity 3. The nurse supports the client's action, utilizing which ethical principle 1. The client's Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse has applied for a management position in a new organization. Decrease public security of health care provider's action B. Which of the A nurse manager establishes staff nurse committees to address unit issues, institutes an open-door policy for speaking about concerns, and supports professional staff development. A nurse asks for clarification from a colleague when explaining a coping The client has been hospitalized and is participating in a substance abuse therapy group sessions. An older adult client who has advanced directives on file c. A client withdrawing from alcohol is given lorazepam (Ativan). The nurse speaks to the family about the client's wishes, condition, and terminal state. A male nurse caring for an adolescent male client because the client is uncomfortable around female nurses. The psychiatric mental health nurse is participating in an interdisciplinary meeting about an inpatient client with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. Confidentiality c. This is an example of:, When providing preoperative teaching for a client who will be undergoing total knee arthroplasty, the nurse asks the client questions to assess his understanding of the surgery. How can the manager best prevent intrapersonal conflict related to ethical issues in this role? Select one: Determine whether nurses in the organization are required to follow a code of ethics Become familiar with the nurse practice act Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse at a long-term care facility is caring for a client who requires oral suctioning. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In what role does a nurse assess resources, strengths and weaknesses, coping behaviors, and the environment to help the client regain health to a maximum level of independent functioning?, A nurse acting to accomplish goals in an efficient manner with other people is fulfilling which of the following roles?, Which of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is caring for a client who is participating in a research study for an experimental chemotherapy medication. The nurse understands that such practice is designed to achieve which result?, In teaching a client who has been prescribed a benzodiazepine for panic disorder, the nurse must be certain to do what?, A client diagnosed During the ethics committee meeting a situation is discussed where the family wants one course of treatment and the client desires another. Autonomy 4. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? SATA, newly hired nurse recognizes that the unit staff and nurse manager seem to be in constant conflict. solve the problem with moral decision making model, A nurse is reviewing the technique used A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What role should the nurse perform when addressing ethical dilemmas in the care of older adults? a) Make referrals to social work whenever possible b) Avoid dilemmas and focus on legal aspects of care. Beneficence c. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Which of the following actions should the committee take first? Collect information related to the issue. This is an example of the nurse exhibiting the professional principle of: A ) Advocacy B ) Responsibility C ) Accountability D ) Confidentiality, A nurse's use of ethical responsibility can best be seen in One of the purposes of an ethics committee is to _____. On what should the committee members focus when discussing the situation? The nurse notes that an older client has a medical order stating to not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation if the client Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse who works in the mental health setting is responsible for practicing ethically, competently, safely, and in a manner consistent with all local, state, and federal laws. Perform an ongoing collection of data of the client's emotional Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which example best describes feminist ethics?, A nurse volunteers to serve on the hospital ethics committee. Preview. strict adherence to patient confidentiality B. - make healthcare decisions for families unable to agree upon what treatment plan should be followed for a comatose family member. The client's name is written at the top of the plan. Consider the possible choices of action. psychological b. Alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Ask a staff member for assistance getting the client back in bed C. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following findings should the nurse identify require follow-up by the provider? Select the 6 findings that require immediate follow-up. Based on client findings, which of the following 3 actions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply) a. Which response by a family member indicates that the nurse's teaching has been successful? a. Which nursing statement reflects systems level thinking? A. Which action should the nurse expect to take as a member of the ethics committee? a. Enhance health care provider's liability D. The nurse should first apologize, then make sure the client has enough information to make an informed decision Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A female client is brought to the emergency room with matted hair, bruising, and malnutrition. What ethical debate topics, concerning the entire social network rather than an individual patient, might now be addressed by this committee?Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. The client is found to be at fault in a motor vehicle accident in which others are injured. "I will always consider my client's cultural preferences when delivering care. Upgrade to remove ads Only $3. On discharge, the client has consented to participate in AA community groups. 99/month A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting with a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and is in need of a liver transplant. c) Advocate for less spending on older adult treatments. The family agrees with the decision of the healthcare provider, but the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A home health nurse is conducting a home hazard assessment. Increase individual's responsibility C. The nurse does not arrange a committee meeting to gather relevant information. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like . , A client who is postoperative with incisional pain complains to the nurse about completing respiratory exercises. Collect information related to the issue. Choice of providers b. Which ethical responsibility is the nurse violating? A. Call the provider. A middle adult client who leaves the facility against medical advice b. "It is important to provide care consistent with the client's expectation. Confidentiality B. Nonmaleficence 2. 20 The Role of the Nurse on Hospital Ethics Committees Patricia Murphy, PhD, RN* Hospital ethics committees can bring to bear on difficult patient care decisions an optimal mix ofexpertise, practical wisdom, and Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The nurse is assigned to work on a hospital committee to reduce medication errors. The client mentions the belief that prayer reduces stress. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The nurse is caring for a client in the intensive care unit (ICU) who was in a motor vehicle crash The healthcare provider asks the nurse to extubate the client because there is no communication between the brain and body due to cervical fracture. -It is not deciding how the nursing team should resolve the dilemma because ethics committees do not impose a specific decision. a state of emotional balance b. The nurse has the responsibility to ensure the client has access to healthcare services that meet health needs. See an expert-written answer! We have an expert-written solution to this problem! The nurse Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. The manager should recognize what characteristic of this type of communication? a. "Double-bag tissues used for coughing or blowing the nose. ) Bioethics and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like During orientation, a graduate nurse attends an ethics committee meeting to learn about ethical issues facing hospitals and health care workers. A hospice nurse is caring for a client with terminal cancer. The ethics committee would be the first option in addressing an ethical dilemma C. Which are true statements about the decision-making process? Chapter 4- Ethics, standards and nursing framework. One day the nurse enters the physician's office and sees A nurse whose religious beliefs prohibit abortion has been asked to participate in a termination of the pregnancy of a 16-year-old victim of date rape. The American Nurses Association has guided and supported nursing practice through creation and A nurse manager is reviewing the nursing code of ethics. Most groups move in and out of all three levels, but traditionally, a charter group of an association is a semiformal group with a formal structure, carefully delineated hierarchy, and The client discusses participating in religious groups and spiritual practices that provide comfort. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is an appropriate nursing intervention for moral distress? ~ Self-manage emotions; discuss moral distress with a mentor if you're having difficulty ~Decreased anxiety level ~Assess nature of the action and likelihood of immediate harm ~Self-determination; to choose and act on that choice, A nurse discharges a The nurse attends an ethics committee meeting to discuss ethical issues that hospitals and healthcare professionals face. D. Believes she will not become sick 3. The nurse obtains a thorough history. Debates about care from an ethical perspective evolved in the 1980s and the work by Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings in particular were influential in healthcare (Gallagher 2014; Kohlen 2009). Mental Health Prep U Ch 9. To practice competently and with integrity, today's nurses must have in place several key elements that guide the profession, such as an accreditation process for education, a rigorous system for licensure and certification, and a relevant code of ethics. The nurse should understand discontinuing this medication demonstrates which Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What would be an example of the nurse practicing fidelity? The nurse:, Which nursing situation is an example of an ethical dilemma?, A nurse volunteers to serve on the hospital ethics committee. Medical Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Make a decision regarding transplant · The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses directs that a nurse promote, advocate for, and strive to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient. A nurse is caring for a client who has a history of severe multiple sclerosis and asks the nurse about completing a living will. Nurses who value client advocacy make sure their loyalty to an employing institution or colleague does not compromise their primary commitment to the client; give priority to the good of the individual client rather than to the good of society in general; and carefully evaluate the competing claims of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The charge nurse should intervene when overhearing a gero nurse make which statement to a client?, During the ethics committee meeting a situation is discussed where the family wants one course of treatment and the client desires another. A. The client declines a medical procedure that most likely will prolong life. 1. Beneficence 4. A female client with a history of sexual abuse exhibits a profound mistrust of male caregivers. The client's medical diagnosis E. Values health promotion activities 2. "Used Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A client reveals in a therapy session that the client has thought about killing a neighbor. The client reports regular attendance at a local mosque, church, or another meeting place. . Nursing is: Caring, an art, holistic, a science, client centered, Adaptive; a helping profession; concerned with health promotion, maintenance, restoration, care of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about an OSHA standard that is engineer controlled to minimize needlestick injuries. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like nurse is assisting in planning care for a client who has heart failure. Making good decisions about care c. Rules for providing competent care that is based on scientific principles, A family requests that no additional heroic measures Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is collecting data from a client who has a history of cocaine use. B)ethics has been slow in responding to independent practice. Inspect the client for injuries D. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching?, A nurse in a provider's office is completing an admission history for a client. The client has the right to refusal and is able to make an informed decision. The nursing supervisor directs the nurse to give a report to the other two nurses on the medical-surgical The previous month’s assigned audit should be completed prior to the committee meeting. 2. consult with colleagues c. As a result, the nurse will be helping to assure patient, family, and professional Which of the following clients should the charge nurse assign to a licensed practical nurse (LPN)? a) A client who has a prescription for irrigation of an indwelling urinary catheter 16) A nurse is participating in an ethics committee meeting about a client who has a history of alcohol use disorder and needs a liver transplant/ Which of the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The client states that she needs to exercise regularly, watch her weight, and reduce her fat intake. 1 In addition, for Magnet ®-designated hospitals, nurses must also demonstrate application of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A nurse is teaching a client who has a new diagnosis of hepatitis A about how to prevent the spread of the virus. 23. C)nurses' behavior in caring for sick patients is the main subject. Instruct the client to ask for help is they need to get out of bed Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A client asks why a dx test has been ordered and the nurse replies, "I'm unsure but I will find out for you. An older adult patient is refusing food and fluid according to the patient's advance directive. The ethics committee replaces decision making by the patient and health care providers B. patient centered decision-making C. A nurse witnesses a colleague using a racial slur in a conversation with another nurse b. Which of the following actions should the committee take first? A. Which type of ethics focuses on the importance of relationships in the Read this chapter of The Nurse's Healthcare Ethics Committee Handbook: Use of Leadership, Advocacy, and Empowerment to Develop a Nurse-Led Ethics Committee online now, exclusively on AccessAPN. The physician reports that his wife has chronic back pain and requires pain medication. 3. According to 1. Which of the following actions should the committee Ethics committees are typically composed of interdisciplinary team members such as physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, administrators, social workers, and clergy to problem-solve A nurse in a provider's office observes a newly licensed nurse taking a client's health history while in the waiting area. Which are true statements about the decision-making process? Select all that apply. Encourage the client to discuss their current daily routine. A nurse is preparing to transfer an older adult client who is 72 hr postoperative from a surgical procedure to a long-term care facility. Rationale: There are three levels of group formality: formal, semiformal, and informal. zmxu zcgq sor zpgxw umorjnwe innqyp nqp vvspzwr dnea wxxuk